This function calculates the daily infection values for Cercospora beticola on sugar beet. Functions were adapted from Wolf and Verreet (2005) and Wolf et al (2001)
- date_time
POSIX_ct, date time the weather recording was taken
- Tm
numeric, temperature, in Celsius' at time increment in
- RH
numeric, relative humidity (%) at time increment in
- rain
numeric, volume of rain in millimetres recorded between time recordings
- dat
data.frame, containing column names "times","temp","rh","rain" with each of the respective arguments for input. provided as a convenience
data.table, with probability of infection for each day, between 0 and 1 Undertaken with two methods by Wolf and Verreet (2005)
Wolf, P. F. J., and J. A. Verreet. “Factors Affecting the Onset of Cercospora Leaf Spot Epidemics in Sugar Beet and Establishment of Disease-Monitoring Thresholds.” Phytopathology® 95, no. 3 (March 2005): 269–74.
Wolf, P. F. J., M. Heindl, and J. A. Verreet. “Influence of Sugar Beet Leaf Mass Development on Predisposition of the Crop to Cercospora Beticola (Sacc.).” Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 108, no. 6 (2001): 578–92.